• vu à la tv mardi 12 octobre 2004 vers 20h20 :

    Stéphane Bern : "Comment peut on reconnaitre un film pornographique artististique d'un film pornorgraphique de base?"

    Clara Morgane : " Cela dépend de la façon dont on le regarde..."

    Merci Clara!!!

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  • i was reading an opinion piece in the ny times about the differences between the candidates, and one quote stood out among all the rest:

    "At Andover, his boarding school in Massachusetts, Mr. Bush was head cheerleader. At St. Paul's, his boarding school in New Hampshire, Mr. Kerry helped found a political club to debate current events."

    in some ways it seems that this election hinges not on ideology or belief, not on partisan affiliation or on socio-economic background, but rather on where the candidates sat in the lunchroom when they were at school.

    pres. bush sat with the frat boys and john kerry sat with the academics.

    last night a friend of mine(a bush supporter)said, 'president bush may not be very bright, but he has the ability to simplify the issues and that's why americans like him.'
    to which i responded, 'maybe we deserve a president who doesn't simplify the issues, as we live in a world that is increasingly complicated and nuanced.'

    doesn't it seem odd that john kerry's intelligence and erudition are almost seen as liabilities?


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  • remplissage avant un sandwich vite avalé

    je vous salue vous et votre estomac

    histoire de...

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  • tschok :tu es mon premier commentaire et tu mérites un post de réponse

    loin de moi l'idée de me jeter dans le canal saint martin, loin de moi l'idée de devenir un suicidé du blog.

    c'est juste le manque d'idée justement qui me désespère, mais malgré tout je suis surement le garcon le plus heureux de la planète terre (du moins, je me force à le croire).

    je me demande juste pourquoi j ai créé ce "blog", et pourquoi c'est toi qui est le premier à m'avoir répondu.

    sur ce, je te remercie grandement.

    god save tschok

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  • oh, msnbc poll:

    73%-kerry won
    27%-bush won

    just fyi.

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